Yanita Trisetiyaningsih, Dwi Susanti


The Corelation Between Family Support with Parenting Self Efficacy In Postpartum Mother In Bantul Regency

Background: the postpartum a period of crisis for a mother husband and family so arious changes physically, psychologically and family structure. The process is related to parenting self-efficacy. Parenting self-efficacy is self-confidence and the mother’s ability to caring the baby. Several factors influence the mother’s parenting self-efficacy in caring for her baby, one of which is family support. Objective: this study aims to determine the relationship between family support and parenting self-efficacy of postpartum mothers in Bantul Regency. Methods: this study is a correlation quantitative analytic study with a cross sectional approach with a total sample of 46 respondents taken by accidental sampling technique. Data analyze using Kendall Tau test. Results: most (63%) families support postpartum mothers and most (76,1 %) Postpartum mothers have parenting self-efficacy in the sufficient category. The Kendall Tau result showed a P-value of 0,478. Conclusion: there no relationship between family support and parenting self-efficacy in postpartum mothers in Bantul Regency.


family support; postpartum mother; parenting self-efficacy

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