Knowledge, chronic energyAbstract
Background Pregnant women who suffer from chronic energy have a sudden maternal death risk during pregnancy or risk of giving birth to newborn baby (LBW). In these circumstances many mothers die of bleeding, thase increasing the maternal and child mortality. There are 3 indirect causes causing less nutrition, namely: Inadequate family food security, inadequate childcare patterns, and inadequate health and environmental services are health care systems. These three factors are related to the level of education, knowledge and family skills. The higher the level of education, knowledge and skills, the better the level of family food security.
Objective The purpose of this study is to know the description of knowledge of pregnant women about Chronic Energy Lack (KEK) in the work area of Banjar I Health Center Banjar.
Methods: The type of this research is descriptive research. The population is all pregnant women in the work area of Banjar I Public Health Center Banjar as many as 112 people. Determination of sample with random sampling technique and got 53 pregnant women. Â
Results The results of the research in Banjar I Banjar I working area showed that the knowledge of pregnant women about the definition of chronic energy deficiecy (KEK) Â included less category that is 30 people (56,6%).
Conclusion: knowledge of pregnant women about the definition of chronic energy deficiecy (KEK) Â included less category that is 30 people (56,6%).
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