Knowledge, Dengue Blood Fever, Container IndexAbstract
Background : The increase of DBD case amount in Gondang Tani is supported by the value of Container Index and the larva free number. That are the indicator of PSN succes. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is one of the main public health problems, the number of sufferers is increasing, especially in tropical and sub-tropical regions.Subjecks and Method : This research is an observational research whish is used Cross Sectional Study approach. The sample taken is 65 family leaders. The sample is taken by using Simple Random Sampling. The data analysis used is Univariat analysis and Bivariat analysis supported by using Correlation Pearson Product Moment Test. Results: The result of this research shows that there is a relation between the family leader’s knowledge about prevention of DBD with Container Index with the correlation coefficient score -0,495 and p-value 0,000. This fact shows that the better the knowledge of family leader, the lower the Container Index. From the result of larva index calculation, there is got the Container Index score in Gondang Tani 5,79%.Conclusion : There is a relationship between the knowledge of the head of the family about the prevention of dengue against Mosquito larvae Container Index in Gondang Tani Village.ÂReferences
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